
To understand the origin of the universe you have to create it ;-)


Das Weibliche Schönheitsideal in der Malerei / nadia gyr

With the #me too movement I remember an old work of mine.
I got this book in the late eighties and was in shock. Under the title The feminine beauty ideal in painting, The woman was more victim and sexual object dan beauty.
So I transformed the paintings into more femininity.

Orginal: Das Weibliche Schönheitsideal in der Malerei,Hans Schulze 1912

see here

or here


I am fascinated by their subtle beauty, vague contours, and their transparent, almost matter-less constantly moving body.
Exhibition at the gallery Kiosk - de Persgroep Nederland - Jacob Bontiusplaats 9, 1018 LL Amsterdam. Until Friday 11 May